Car Cemeteries Full of Decaying Automobiles
Time makes a wreck of everything. Who knows what prompted people to litter the landscapes with old automobiles? Forsaken and forlorn, these old cars decay while nature flourishes around them. Some of these classic autos are abandoned and alone while some form vintage vehicular graveyards.
Asleep In The Woods
Photo: Fabien Belcourt
Hidden away in Squirrel Cove, Canada, the rusted old car is asleep in the woods. It will never move again on its own power. Moss grows on the hood as nature reclaims the inside of the car.
Long Abandoned Love Mobile
Photo: Jorge Franganillo
Long abandoned, the old green wreck seen above seems to be trying to survive the environment by blending into the bright green Spring landscape. No telling what life this van once lived. It could have had a purely utilitarian existence or it could have once been a love shack.
Stacked Wrecks
Photo: Timm Suess
If these stacked autos could tell their story, what in the world would it be? Was the bottom car the one that the three cop cars were chasing before all four wrecked?
Touch of Nostalgia
Photo: Lance Rutherford
Outside a Virgina farm, the rusting hulk of this old Chevy decays. The make and model speak of another era which seems to match perfectly with the sad tone of the sepia photo. How long ago was this rusty and dented wreck taken out to pasture and left to die?
Since 1933, thousands of vintage cars were piled up in the biggest car cemetery of its kind in Europe. The collection of old-timers dated back to the 1920s. They were hidden in the woods about 10 miles outside Bern, Switzerland.
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