It's all a bit tattoo much! Great-grandfather, 69, is Britain's most inked man
Last updated at 10:43 AM on 3rd June 2011
Great-grandfather Tommy Wells has been hailed the most tattooed man in Britain after having an incredible 1,000 tattoos etched across every inch of his body.
The 69-year-old has spent 52 years indulging in his bizarre hobby and now has tattoos not only across his arms, hands, legs, torso and back but also on the soles of his feet, bottom, entire head, lips and even his genitals.
The widower's last tattoo, which reads 'I love you always, love Tommy', was etched on the back of his head in honour of his late wife Sandra who died seven years ago aged 61, after 44 years together.

Pensioner Tommy Wells, from Worsley, Greater Manchester, has an incredible 1,000 tattoos covering every inch of his body
The design broke a promise the retired coach driver made to his wife before she passed away - assuring her he would keep his face and head design-free.
But it meant he could no longer get more tattoos done - because he has no more room left for further markings which already include various designs of skulls, daggers, flowers and the names of family members. Sandra had no tattoos done during her life.
Mr Wells, from Worsley, Greater Manchester, said: 'My tattooing days are probably over now because of all the tattoos that I have now.
'I did have some space left on my head after Sandra died but although I did promise I wouldn't have any done there, I was so upset at her passing that the only thing that I could do to make me feel better was have the tattoo.
'I just so hope that she can forgive me but I do have that feeling that heaven will be hell for me in the years to come.
'When she died she was cremated and her ashes went into an urn. I did say to my daughter, "Put me in there with her in a brown paper bag" because I know if Sandra sees me she will kill me!"'

Mr Wells has tattoos not only across his arms, hands, legs, torso and back but also on the soles of his feet, bottom, entire head, lips and even his genitals
Mr Wells met his wife at secondary school and they started dating when they were just 13.
Since he was 17 he has spent thousands of pounds on tattoos after getting his first while they were on holiday together in Blackpool as teenage sweethearts.
The couple had been for a picnic with friends and some of them were getting tattoos at a parlour there when Sandra dared Tommy to get one.
He added: 'We used to go on a picnic to Blackpool every year and this year, when we were 17, Sandra said to me, "Why don't you have one?"
'I had one on my arm, it was agony but I kind of loved the pain and it became a bit of a drug after then, so I got all my body covered except my head and face.
'She never had any tattoos herself but she didn't mind that I had them. She did at first but she stopped noticing that I had them after a while because I was so covered in them!'

The 69-year-old has spent thousands of pounds on tattoos after getting his first on holiday with his future wife in Blackpool at the age of 17
Once he had covered all parts of his body aside from his head and face, his wife implored him to stop.
Mr Wells said: 'I told (Sandra) there was always my face and head, and she was not happy about that! She said, "You're not getting your head and face tattooed! Promise me you won't."
'I did promise at the time, but after she died I was so devastated that the only thing that I could do to make me feel better was have a tattoo tribute to her - and my face and head were the only places I had left.
Mrs Wells died from a diabetic coma while in Lanzarote seven years ago.
Mr Wells appears to have passed on the tattooing tradition to his children - but he doesn't believe they will go as far as he has done.
'A couple of my children have started to get tattoos but there's no way that they will have as many as me as they won't live long enough to get them done!
'It's taken me 52 years to get all my body covered. I still live them and I would do the same if I had my time again.'
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