You flirty rat! New York fashionistas splurge on designer outfits ... for their pet rodents
Last updated at 4:51 PM on 30th May 2011
First there was doggy dresses, and coats for mini pigs, now trendy pet owners are ordering designer clothing for their rats.
Pet fashionista Ada Nieves is selling rat tuxedos, wedding dresses and bridesmaids gowns among other exclusive designs.
Ada, from New York, said: 'The rats look very cute and seem to like wearing them. Rats are very popular these days and the owners love to dress them up.'
Tutu much? Perriwinkle wows the NYC Fancy Rat Convention in Manhattan with her emerald green tutu
Rat fans gathered in New York yesterday for a rodent fashion show featuring Ada's outifts, which come complete with crystals, feathers and frilly tutus, and sell for around £50 each.
Rat owner Kelly Antonova, 27, said: 'Rats have amazing personalities. They are like a dog, cat and ferret all rolled into one. But each also has its own individual character.
'I've had rats who swim in a little bath, or sleep on the bed. You can train them on a little lease and they will learn how to dance, and how to fetch things like a dog. Rats are very sociable and give you a lot of love. They are very intelligent and share similar characteristics to humans.'
Traditional: Rat Lily showcases designer Ada Nieve's wedding couture dress
Model behaviour: Sugar and Spice storms the catwalk in this matching jacket and lead ensemble
The latest breeds sell for around £70 but owners are also spending a fortune on rat furniture for their cages, toys, hammocks, clothing and harnesses.
Kelly, from Long Island, who runs a pet supply business, Kelly Critter Creations, added: 'Friends of owners usually end up falling in love with rats and getting their own.'It became more fashionable once people realised celebrities were keeping rats. The message is finally getting out that rats make great pets.'
The fashion show, held as part of the New York City Fancy Rat Convention, was organised by the Big Apple Rattery, which provided all the rat models.
Dressed to impress: Blue the rat takes part in the fashion show in this teal dress
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