Landlord visits house to collect rent, finds house has gone
A Malaysian landlord received a rather unpleasant surprise when he went to collect rent from some tenants and found his property had disappeared.
All that remained of Zuria Ali's house, which he had inherited from his parents, were 24 concrete pillar holders, a smashed TV and pieces of broken wood.
The main structure of the house, including its walls, had disappeared, along with items like cutlery, cupboards, a dining table and a refrigerator, Malaysian newspaper The Star reported.
Police confirmed they have received a report of a 'missing' property.
'I had heard that my house had vanished and was curious to find out the truth,' Mr Ali said.
One neighbour told the news provider the dwelling had been missing since the beginning of last month.
'I thought the three were carrying out the dismantling work on instructions from the landlord. I did not suspect anything until he [Zuria] asked me about it,' he said.
Film director Guy Richie also recently found himself in a rather bizarre property crisis, after a group of squatters moved into his £6 million London mansion while it was being renovated.
At least 12 people are thought to have moved into the property and were planning on turning it into a school.
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