Crystal Fountain pub landlords sacked for hosting bouncy castle sex parties
The owners of the Crystal Fountain pub have been kicked out of their property for regularly hosting sex parties that involved jumping nude on a bouncy castle.
Kevin and Kat Scott advertised their ‘socials’ at the Grade II-listed Crystal Fountain on swingers websites.
Mr Scott, 54, said: ‘It is just a place for like-minded people to get together and meet without any pressure although I do have a “no knickers” rule, which I always enforce.
'That helps to keep the atmosphere jovial.’
But owner Enterprise Inns said the couple had been dismissed from its pub in Cannock, Staffordshire, after complaints from the public.
Local councillor Clive Morgan reacted with disgust at the parties, saying he was 'shocked and appalled' at how they could go on in his community.
'It's absolutely disgusting that something like this could happen in a nice family pub like the Crystal Fountain,' he added.
However, regular party-goers have defended what they describe as a social event.
One male swinger said: 'We don't get any trouble from the locals.
'We just shut the curtains and get on with it, to be honest with you.'
Official body Enterprise Inns confirmed that the owners of Crystal Fountain had been sent packing following a 'full investigation'.
Neither Kevin or Kat Scott have commented.
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