'Yummy Mummy Makeover' holiday includes flight, hotel and breast lift
Secret Surgery is offering family getaways to Wroclaw in Poland for £4,500 – including flights, hotel and the cost of either a breast lift, tummy tuck, or belly button replacement.
The company claims the procedures alone would cost £3,500 more in Britain, adding its Yummy Mummy Makeover will appeal to women who want surgery but feel guilty about leaving their families at home.
Other procedures are also available at the 'high tech' hospital, says the firm.
It claims the idea will appeal to women who want surgery 'to reverse the unwanted effects of childbearing and age' but feel guilty about leaving their families behind while they do so.
The company's blurb says: 'Secret Surgery has devised a package that allows the whole family to combine a trip abroad for the family holiday and whilst there the mum can have her nips and tucks.
'It is simply not self-centred or vain to take care of you or to want to feel youthful, sexy and self-confident.'
Secret Surgery claims the treatment alone in the UK would cost nearer £8,000 and that the Polish medical facilities are highly advanced with specialist surgeons.
Angela Chouaib, Managing Director of Secret Surgery said: 'A typical mummy makeover packaged holiday abroad would involve a fully tummy tuck with muscle tightening, belly button replacement combined with a breast lift.'
Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/868928-yummy-mummy-makeover-holiday-includes-flight-hotel-and-breast-lift#ixzz1RtcC0lgf
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