The girl cured of claustrophobia after her mum put her in a BIN... and now she's joined the circus as a contortionist
Last updated at 10:49 AM on 18th February 2011
Last updated at 10:49 AM on 18th February 2011
A girl who suffered from severe claustrophobia finally beat her fear when her mother put her in a bin - and now she makes a living squeezing into tight spaces.
Kirsty Nicholson, 23, who now performs as a circus genie in a bottle, had dreaded enclosed spaces ever since she was six.
But it got even worse when she was told that to perform in her dream job, she must use her incredible flexibility to fit into a tiny jar.

Surprise! Kirsty Nicholson, squeezed into a wardrobe, tried to scare her mother Alison Nicholson, who cured her daughter's claustrophobia by suggesting she got into a bin
So to finally beat the fear, Kirsty's mother Alison forced her to squeeze into an absurdly small bin and now she can't stop her Kirtsy showing off her talents.
And as these amazing pictures show, bendy Kirsty has taken full advantage of her new talent by squeezing into cupboards and dog cages to shock her own family.
She said: 'I've always been really flexible but petrified of small spaces - so when I was told I had to be the girl in a bottle to be part of the show I didn't think I could do it.
'I'd been to see every tour since I was seven years old so it was my ultimate dream to finally be in it.
'I didn't know what to do and then my mum came up with the idea of practising at home and started forcing me into washing baskets and bins.

Jammed in: Kirsty, who performs in the circus, finds herself in a tight spot while her mother reads he newspaper
'The more I did it the easier it became - so I'd go in and out of different spaces a few times a day.' But after helping Kirsty overcome her fear, her mother's helpful plan quickly backfired as mischievous Kirsty began playing pranks on her.
Kirsty, from Stockton-on-Tees, started hiding in different places at home ready to jump out on her unsuspecting family.
She added: 'It started off as a running joke so I'd get into the washing machine, under the kitchen sink and things like that.
'My mum woke up one morning and found me in the bin next to her. And my sister would go to get a pair of shoes from her wardrobe and find me shoved in there.
'When I'm not on tour I don't have anything better to do so I would scare my family. They used to think it was really odd but now they just laugh it off.'
After originally auditioning as a singer for the wacky Circus of Horrors, Kirsty was told just two weeks before she was due to start that she needed to take on the extra role.

Caged: Kirsty fits the sleeping place of the family's pet dog
Not only did she have to conquer her claustrophobia, but she even had her appendix removed to squeeze into the 2ft by 18in glass jar.
But she insists she never had any hesitation despite being petrified of surgery.
She said: 'I'm the biggest wimp on the planet so it was really scary for me - but it was a small price to pay as it was always a dream to join the Circus of Horrors.
'I thought I was just going to be a singer but after they realised how bendy I was they told me to learn to fit inside the jar.
'It doesn't hurt while I'm in there - it's more uncomfortable than anything. It's really hot and the door doesn't open from the inside.
'Getting cramp is the worst thing that's happened as it's such a tight squeeze it's excruciating.
'But ever since I was six years old and started learning how to dance all I've wanted to do was join the show.
'And now I have it's amazing - it's the best job in the world. Everyone is like a massive family we're so close.
'Because I started seeing the shows at such a young age I was a bit starstruck to be rubbing shoulders with people like [sword-swallowing hypnotist] Helmut, but they're the nicest people in the world.'
The Circus of Horrors packed full of death-defying acts and wacky stunts is currently on tour across the UK.
Celebrating their 15th year together, an incredible brand new show guaranteed to shock the audience has been put together with the craziest acts from all over the world.
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