A one wheeled crime fighter: Meet Britain's only UNICYCLING policeman
Last updated at 6:05 PM on 17th September 2010
Last updated at 6:05 PM on 17th September 2010
Talented Amanda Gallacher is a one woman crime fighter taking on the baddies single handed - as Britain's only UNICYCLING police officer.
Special Constable Amanda, 20, was crowned European's number one female unicyclist and was once ranked third in the world.
But she is now a serving police officer and spends her working life patrolling the streets of Cullompton in Devon.
All in a day's work: Special Constable Amanda Gallacher does her round in Cullompton, Devon
She pounds her beat on foot but off duty Amanda is pulling stunts and tearing up the streets on her one-wheeled unicycle.
In 2007 Amanda won the women's European Championships in Germany and in 2006 finished third best female at the World Championships in Switzerland.
Amanda says the unicycle stays at home when she is at work but she recently gave a demonstration in uniform at a public event.
"In fact, I could never ride without hands on a bicycle. It is just that unicycling is something I love to do.
"It's something people think you do in the circus but when I showed them what I could do they stopped thinking that.
Balancing act: Amanda shows off her skills outside Cullompton Police Station
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1313029/A-wheeled-crime-fighter-Meet-Britains-UNICYCLING-policeman.html#ixzz0zt9rAOtR
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